Our first Homeschool 101 Session for 2016-17 is scheduled for August 9 at 6:30! This is the first in a series of free parent support meetings where homeschooling parents can get to know one another, share ideas, flip through curriculum, and discuss our challenges and victories with other parents who understand how wonderful, terrible, hard, peaceful, hilarious, fulfilling, draining, and all-consuming homeschooling can be!
For the fall, our dates and topics are as follows:
Tuesday, August 9 at 6:30: Homeschool 101
We will discuss how to get started, learn how to choose curriculum and where to buy it, and talk about the different styles of homeschooling and what they look like in real-life families. We will also cover the legal requirements for home education in Florida, and talk about how to put together a portfolio to document your student’s progress!
Tuesday, September 13 at 6:30: All About Math
Join us as we share our experiences with different math curricula, and discover what has worked for different families. We will discuss strategies to incorporate math into every day life, take a look at some ‘outside the box’ and ‘living’ math ideas, and have a look at the differences between ‘spiral’ and ‘mastery-based’ math.
Tuesday, October 5 at 6:30: Get Organized
Wondering about workboxing? Still trying to find the perfect planner? We’ll take a look at different organization approaches to homeschooling, from the super-organized hyper-planned family to interest-led delight-driven unschoolers. Let’s talk about how we keep everything togther, where we keep our schoolwork and records, and how we keep our own goals, commitments, and schedules on track.
Wednesday, November 16 at 6:30: What About my Toddler?
Keeping the littles busy while you school with the older kids is a perennial homeschool challenge. Join us as we talk about our favorite personal solutions and share ideas for how we divide our time between our kids in a meaningful, respectful way. We’ll be organizing a busy bag swap for those who are interested!