
Kristen Fegan is a veteran homeschool mom to 6, who wants to fill a need for her children to have a steady, rich community without sacrificing a top-notch home education. She’s passionate about school choice, respectful parenting, meeting the needs of exceptional students, project-based learning and child-led exploration. Prior to being immersed in the homeschooling world, Kristen was an executive in the hotel industry for 10 years and really took long, hot showers for granted.

Kristen is available for consultation for those looking to incorporate play-based and child-led approaches in their learning environments, as well as those building and designing elementary Makerspaces. Kristen speaks regularly in the community on these topics, as well as on her personal experiences with respectful parenting and her family’s experience with organ donation. Speaking and consulting engagements can be arranged with Kristen directly at kristen@ifspace.org.

Read more about Kristen in Florida Today