Arts and Music, Classical Arc, Math, Reading, Science, WritingAge Range
Age 5, Age 6, Age 7Duration
32 weeksOur primary core program consists of 2 hours of classroom instruction per week,with lessons introduced in the invitation-based style known as the Reggio Emilia approach. A weekly syllabus of activities is provided for 3 additional days of home engagement. Our goal in these early years is to stoke enthusiasm and confidence in learning, build literacy, and develop skills that will serve the students as they pursue further study. Together we will share books and songs, play with numbers and letters, build a strong foundation in science through inquiry and observation, and practice being kind, encouraging, and accepting with one another.
Planned curriculum includes the Five in a Row series, Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding, and a D’Nealean italics approach to letter formation. Math concepts will be introduced with a Montessori approach.
Scheduled Classes
Start Date | Stop Date | Day(s) of Week | Class Time |
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