Our High School core program seeks to prepare students for rigorous study in college through the same hands-on, discussion-based explorations used throughout the IfSpace curriculum. High School students meet twice per week for 2 hours each, and will study European literature including Shakespeare, Austen and Dickens, SAT writing and vocabulary, and American History. Our science focus this year is on Biology, and students will be offered differentiated instruction in mathematics, with a choice between supported home study or group instruction in Algebra II with trig.
Curriculum for High School includes The American Pageant, Math Without Borders Algebra II or Saxon 7/8 for home instruction support, and Campbell’s Biology. Students who keep up with assignments and approach IfSpace classes with academic rigor should expect to be prepared for the US History and Biology CLEP exams. A complete list of curricula, history and science spines, and living books, study guides and supplies will be supplied to families upon registration.
Scheduled Classes
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